4 Years of Chaining and Starving: A Heartwarming Rescue Story of a Neglected Dog

In the beginning of this year, a vulnerable canine without any sustenance, bedding or safeguards was discovered up in a tree on a farmland situated in central Georgia.

For a duration of four years, this poor creature was constantly exposed to harsh weather conditions. He had no shelter from the sun or rain, and he suffered from hunger and thirst. The sight of him is truly heartbreaking – he barely weighs 11 kilograms, which is far too light for his breed (Pit Bull), as he should weigh a minimum of 20 kilograms. In addition to his undernourished state, his body bears numerous bruises.

The Cordele Animal Shelter was tipped off about a dog by an anonymous source, prompting them to launch a search. When they eventually located the animal, they took to social media to share heartbreaking images and the story with their followers.

The poor creature is in dire need of a new abode where he can be reunited with his beloved partner. The helpless little dog requires immediate relocation to a place where he can receive the proper care that he deserves, as stated by one of the rescuers from the Cordele Animal Shelter.

The puppy, who was unfortunately named “cocaine”, had a rough start in life. However, after being rescued, he was quickly taken in by a new owner who helped him rehabilitate and gave him a new name, Hero, to recognize his bravery and resilience. Under his new owner’s care, Hero’s transformation has been remarkable, and he has thrived thanks to the love and attention he receives. The adoptive mother even shared on Facebook how impressed she was with Hero when he settled into his kennel with a small meal, night lights, and a radio.

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