“Unbreakable bond: A loyal dog’s daily visits to his deceased owner’s grave”

This loyal dog was deeply saddened by the departure of his beloved owner. His appetite disappeared and he frequently went missing from home, with no one knowing where he went or what he did during those times.

This ‘heartbroken’ dog ran away from home everyday to visit his dead owner’s grave

It all began in Turkey, where Oztuk Ismail came across a stray dog wandering on the streets. Without hesitation, Ismail took the dog under his wing and gave him the name Zozo. Over time, a strong bond formed between the two, and the dog grew to adore spending time with his new owner, who reciprocated the sentiment.

On February 10, 2014, Oztuk Ismail passed away. His family was devastated upon hearing the news. Zozo, his loyal canine companion, has been grieving alongside the family for the past two years. Losing his beloved master has left him feeling hopeless and saddened.

Zozo, the family dog, had a tendency to disappear from the house, which was noticed by Oztuk’s widow and children. However, he always returned at the end of the day, leaving them unsure of where he went during his time away. One day, Oztuk Ismail’s son, Oztuk Zafer, decided to visit his father’s tomb and noticed an animal resting from afar. As he approached, he realized that it was Zozo. For the next two years, Zozo visited the grave every day with tears in his eyes, showing just how much he missed his owner. The family came to know of Zozo’s deep love for his late master.

As per the son, it was him who initiated bringing the dog to his father’s burial ground. It was a surprise to everyone that Zozo would come to visit his owner every single day, without fail, regardless of the weather conditions. Even though the furry friend cannot speak, it still expresses its love and affection towards its master by repeating the same actions. It is evident that the previous owner must have been an exceptional person who deserved such loyalty and devotion from their animal companion.

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