A Heartwarming Moment: Bride’s Beloved Dog Accompanied Her Down the Aisle on Her Wedding Day Despite Its Terminal Illness

The wedding day of Kelly O’Connell will always hold a special place in her heart for various reasons. Primarily, it marks the happiest day of her life, as she tied the knot with the love of her life and best friend.

Bride’s Dying Dog Caʀʀied Down Aisle at Her Wedding

On the flip side, the bride had to bid farewell to a beloved friend named Charlie. Charlie Bear, a black lab mix who was 15 years old, had been diagnosed with a brain tumor five months before the wedding. Although he hobbled down the grassy aisle, he was unable to stand up and follow his owner once the ceremony began. As a result, Katie Lloyd, the bride’s sister, picked up Charlie and carried him down the aisle. She then placed him in front of the bride and her new husband, James Garvin.

At the age of 12 weeks, Charlie Bear came into O’Connell’s life unexpectedly. The tiny pup was discovered abandoned in a shopping cart outside a local grocery store and was brought to the animal shelter where O’Connell was studying to become a veterinarian. Although O’Connell had no intention of becoming a pet owner, she instantly fell in love with Charlie and knew that they would always be together. Prior to meeting James and his sons, O’Connell and Charlie enjoyed a long history of being single and independent. However, with the addition of James and his family, their dynamic changed, and they became one big happy family. Charlie quickly bonded with James’ two sons, and they all adored each other.

Charlie Bear received a devastating diagnosis of a brain tumor in April, following a seizure during a walk. The prognosis looked bleak for the lovable pooch. Charlie experienced five seizures a week before his owner’s wedding and appeared to be in pain, which led O’Connell and Garvin to consider euthanizing him. However, miraculously, Charlie showed improvement in the days leading up to the wedding. He had no seizures and had no trouble walking, as if he was a brand new dog. O’Connell and Charlie had a special bond, being marathon training partners, and O’Connell expressed that it was heartbreaking to learn of Charlie’s diagnosis. Nonetheless, they waited to see how he would fare, and it was worth it when Charlie was present to see his owner wed. He exuded happiness that day, and O’Connell was grateful to have him there.

On September 1st, O’Connell and Garvin exchanged vows in the company of their five adorable dogs. One of them was Charlie Bear, who’s presence brought immense joy to O’Connell. She couldn’t hold back her tears when she saw him walking down the aisle toward her. She and James clung onto him as they repeatedly expressed their happiness for his presence. Despite his failing body, Charlie Bear had the biggest smile on his face, which was a clear indication that he was thrilled to witness his owner’s wedding ceremony. Unfortunately, Charlie Bear passed away just nine days after O’Connell and Garvin’s special day.

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